Feria de negocios de Coarco

Feria de negocios de Coarco

Coarco, la cooperativa canaria de ferretería, organiza el 24 y 25 de octubre próximo un nuevo encuentro de negocios en el que pondremos al alcance de sus socios un amplio abanico de novedades. También presentaremos nuestros nuevos catálogos de temporada, tanto el de Otoño-Invierno 2019/20 como el específico de Navidad 2019 que este año hemos querido editar por separado para dar más importancia a esta familia de productos tan especiales.

Queremos recordar a todos los socios que en la feria dispondrán de ventajosas ofertas y también de una financiación muy especial para todas las compras que se realizen en el evento. ¡Nos vemos allí!


In this section you will find the most representative events Elektro3

Visit students CPA Warehouse assistant of Selva del Camp

Visit students CPA Warehouse assistant of Selva del Camp

The students have made a visit to our facilities, where they have been able to learn about the functioning and the different departments of the company. The visit was useful for them to know first hand the departments of logistics, picking, showroom, etc. and to be able to solve their doubts and concerns in the sector.

Aida Acebal, new head of the Expansion and Key Accounts Department.

Aida Acebal, new head of the Expansion and Key Accounts Department.

From Elektro3, on January 1st, we named Aida Acebal as the new head of the Expansion and Key Accounts Department of the company.

Visit of IFE students Sales and customer service assistant

Visit of IFE students Sales and customer service assistant

The students of IFE Assistant in sales and customer service assistant of the Domènech i Montaner Institute of Reus, Tarragona, have been able to visit our facilities to see how the logistics centre works, the handling of loads and our 4000m2 showroom, and have been able to resolve their doubts and concerns in the sector.